Video Playback Technology (VPT) & The Technical Official


Video Playback Technology (VPT) & The Technical Official

The VPT (Video Playback Technology) is a system and process using video playback technology to review the Referees’ and or Jury’s decision. The scoring system and video cameras will be set up and tested prior to the start of competition as instructed in IWF TCRR
1.When does the Athlete / Team receive a Challenge Card?
a. The Athlete / Team will receive a Challenge Card along with the Athlete Pass from the Competition Secretary at the weigh-in after the Athlete has successfully weighed in.
Note: It is then that Team Officials will receive Warm-up Passes.
2.Challenge Process:
a. The Athlete / Team may only Challenge the Referees’ decision of their own attempt.
b. The Athlete / Team has only one Challenge:
i. If the Jury approves the Challenge, the Athlete / Team retains their Challenge and the Challenge Card will be returned to the Athlete / Team for future use.
ii. If the Jury upholds the decision of the Referees, the Challenge Card is kept by the Jury President.
c. For a Challenge to be issued by the Athlete / Team, the Challenge Card must be given to the nearest Technical Controller.
d. The Technical Controller does not accept the Challenge Card if:
i. the next Athlete, after being called, has appeared on the stage
ii. the timing clock has started for that Athlete.
NOTE: i and ii must have occurred.
e. When the Challenge is deemed to have been received on time, the Technical Controller shall immediately stop the competition by notifying the speaker and delivering the Challenge Card to the Jury
i. The Jury President checks the validity of the Challenge.
ii. Upon the determination that the Challenge is valid the Jury will
begin its review using Video Playback Technology (VPT).
3. The Jury on its own accord may implement VPT.
a. A FIVE person Jury at its own discretion may initiate the VPT process when the majority of the Jury’s opinion is different than that of the Referees’ decision.
b. A THREE person Jury must be unanimous in the first instance to take any action. This includes the initiating of VPT.
c. To initiate a VPT process, the Jury President will raise a small yellow flag to draw the attention of the Speaker, Technical Controller, TV producer, etc., that the competition is to be stopped.
d. The Jury may replay the attempt as many times as is necessary. The Jury must make their decision as quickly as possible.
4. Requirements for Jury reversal after the use of VPT.
a. FIVE person Jury: a majority is required among the Jury Members in order to reverse the Referees’ decision.
b. THREE person Jury: the Jury must be unanimous in order to reverse the Referees’ decision.
5. To Review – Coaches should be aware of the following rules regarding the use of the Challenge Card:
a. It is too LATE to challenge if the next two situations have occurred and in any order:
i. The Speaker has called the next Athlete AND the clock has
started for the that attempt.
ii. The next Athlete is on the stage.
Examples to be aware of when a Coach CAN Challenge on time:
– CAN CHALLENGE: The next Athlete has not been called.
– CAN CHALLENGE: The next Athlete has been called but the clock has not started.
– CAN CHALLENGE: The next Athlete has been called and the clock has been started but the Athlete has not appeared on stage.
– CAN CHALLENGE: The next Athlete after being called has appeared on stage but the clock has not been started.
6. Coaches should also be aware of the following situation:
a. If the Jury at its own discretion has already initiated VPT and upheld the Referees’ decision of no lift, no further challenges are allowed on that attempt.
7. The Jury must be aware that when two or more Athletes from the same nation are participating in the same session, it is incumbent upon the Jury to prevent the use of a Challenge Card belonging to another Athlete from that
same nation for an Athlete that previously had a Challenge denied. The Jury must note which Athlete has already used their Challenge Card and lost the decision.

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